Tuesday, December 16, 2008

El Gaucho Martín Fierro

I was reading up on Ernesto "Che" Guevara today, after he was used as an example in our priesthood meeting, and then there were comments made later that seemed potentially uninformed. They were. And please don't take this as any kind of endorsement of brutality and revolution, etc., but I learned something very impressive about El Che. "He could . . . recite Kipling's "If"and Hernández's "Martín Fierro" from memory." (That's from Wikipedia.) They don't make clear if he could recite "If" in English or Spanish, probably English (which would make it a little more impressive), but Martín Fierro (a 2,316 line epic poem), that's incredible. Maybe there was something wrong with him.

Something else I learned about Che, and this was from the movie Motorcycle Diaries, is that he was a poor dancer. Or at least that's what they showed. I was just at a dance party, though very briefly, because I don't dance. I can't swim or dance. I'm too cool to swim or dance. Which isn't actually true, but it's a line from a song - spoken by Sir Nose Devoid-of-funk, or something like that. I took swimming lessons for several years, and earned the swimming merit badge. And I took a dance class in high school and had the top grade in the class (largely due to the importance of attendance to the grades). But I've never understood the kind of dancing that goes on at a "dance party." Everyone just kind of jumps around randomly, which is kind of funny to watch, but I really can't see anything enjoyable about doing it. And I'd think maybe my hesitation in dancing in this type of venue related to my self-consciousness, but I've never had any desire to dance like that, even when I'm completely alone. But I won't hold it against you if you enjoy dancing at dance parties, some of my best friends dance at dance parties. And when I see them, I laugh at them, because they look ridiculous. I almost feel like they're acting this way to fit in with Provo College Student social norms, but they claim they enjoy it, and I guess I can't prove that they don't. I mean, I enjoy Sacred Harp Singing, and some people can't understand that.

In summary, any movie can be made a little more humorous if it includes a scene with a communist revolutionary trying to dance a tango to a mambo.


Caitlin Carroll said...

I like Che. I think. I saw Motorcycle Diaries and read some excerpts in this book, and I think he had really good intentions. Unfortunately, the only real historical books on Che in the Provo library are in Espanol. Unfortunately even more, I speak very little. Unfortunately most, maybe I would have gone on a mission Spanish-speaking somewhere like Austin and learned it and then been able to read books on Che to be better informed.