Monday, October 26, 2009

Some colors I wouldn't dare put in a rainbow.

So it's been more than a month since I last sang, and this was starting to bother me. I've really been wanting to sing, but my current living arrangements don't allow it. I've got neighbors. I live in a duplex. And when I go to school, there are other people studying. And there's really nowhere where I can be alone. Some of you may think that I'm being far too self-conscious or ridiculous or something to feel that I can't sing just because I have neighbors. Others of you have heard me sing. I mean, actually sing. I'm just sayin'. So, today, I decided to ride my bike west until I got to the middle of nowhere where I would feel like I could sing. I eventually found a spot - near the hawk (pictured) - but it took longer than expected, so I only sang while on my bike. That's also where I was when I took the majority of these photos. Digital images.


sarah said...

you, whose day it is, get out your rainbow colors and make it beautiful.

i'm sure your neighbors are grateful.

Caitlin Carroll said...

Let's go caroling when you come home for Christmas.

Abbyland said...

I'm glad you actually did this. You need to sing.